Newmarket Scientific
Newmarket Scientific

Antibodies to Breast Cancer Drug Resistance Proteins

Breast Cancer Drug Resistance Antibodies 


Tumour cell insensitivity to anticancer drugs frequently appears as multidrug resistance (MDR), associated with the overexpression of one or more of a set of at least 10 different molecules, causing reduced drug levels at the intracellular target sites.


These overexpressed molecules include transmembrane transporter proteins such as P glycoprotein, MRP1-9 and BCRP. In addition, the lung-resistance protein, recently identified as the major vault protein, has also been associated with MDR.

Our Monosan monoclonal antibodies specifically recognise these proteins and so can be used to help identify their roles in clinical drug resistance and explore their occurrence in normal human tissues and physiology. 


Here we highlight 4 of our Multi Drug Resistance Antibodies and list all of the available antibodies.


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